Insulating Kit Gasket Set & Insulation Joints
We supply Insulation Joints in accordance with the highest technical standards which guarantee mechanical requirements they are designed according to ASME VIII, Division I. Insulating sets are essentially used for pipeline range corrosion protection, where a seal is required between dissimilar range materials. Insulating sets are essentially used for pipeline flange corrosion protection, where a seal is required between dissimilar flange materials. The use of dissimilar metallic flanges with a conductive gasket material accompanied by a suitable electrolyte may set up a galvanic cell which will corrode the anodic metal. Insulating sets are also used to electrically isolate flange joints, preventing the flow of electrostatic charge along pipelines.
The Design and selection of materials used in "KGF" Flange Insulation Kit Gasket, meet the twin purpose of sealing the flanges and insulating metal parts to prevent flow currents responsible for corrosion.
"KGF" Range: Insulation Kit Gasket
- TYPE-E for full face flanges
- TYPE-F for raised face flanges
- TYPE-D gaskets specifically designed to fit into the grooves of RTJ Flanges